Online Stores
Whether you are donating unused belongings or shopping at one of our stores, you are helping those in need.
This is a main focus for many who enter one of our VRM properties -- volunteers are giving it, our programmers are committed to it -- all with the goal of changing a habit, a mindset...but ultimately changing a life. The time spent at VRM will change you.
Over the years, we have developed a knack for taking unusable items and making them green. We accept and recycle stained and ripped clothing and linens, metal, plastic, cardboard, and electronics (including cell phones).
The parable in Matthew 25 gives a glimpse at the heart of God, revealing a desire for us to do the most with what we have been given, not to play-it-safe with our treasures. Throughout VRM, we do the most with what you give. So please... give generously.